You can join our Saturday evening FIESTAS!! Check out our events page and let us know how many people are coming, if you have children attending, their ages and let us know what you are bringing out with you. (food, physical donations, etc) If you aren’t able to bring anything but a heart full of love.. that’s great too!!
PHYSICAL DONATIONS (from our Wish List) are always welcome!! Throw a couple extra things in your cart while you are shopping.. whatever you can do!! We have a beautiful system of people willing to pick up donations from around the city (message for details) and we also have drop off locations in Huntington Hills, Airdrie, Martindale and Rundle. If you are able to drop off, that’s fantastic, just send us a message and we can supply you with the drop off address.
You can donate MONEY. Our budget is very small... so every little bit helps!! It is used to buy sandwich supplies, as well as hats and gloves or whatever item we are low on that week. At the beginning of each month, we will upload the Treasury Report for the month before. We aim to be as transparent as possible so that you know where your money is going. 100% of all funds donated go directly to our friends on the streets.
You can help with SHARING our group and LIKING and SHARING our posts. Share on your personal page, on the Facebook groups you are on, etc, etc. The more you like and share our posts, the more our posts will be visible to you on your timeline and it also helps to spread the word so more people can get involved. SHARING IS CARING!!
You can donate FIESTA ESSENTIALS!! Coffee, sugar, creamers, hot chocolate, lunch meats, cheese, mayo, mustard, cream cheese, plates (lg and small), cups, bowls, etc are needed on a continuous basis!! Check Our WISHLIST for more info.
You can hold a DONATION DRIVE in your home or office. Give your friends or co-workers a reason to empty out their closets and storage with our Wish List in hand!!
Help us with a FUNDRAISER!! We welcome any ideas for fundraisers!! Send us a Message with more information on how you can set one up for us!!
Everyone has CONNECTIONS!! How can your connections help us?? I don't know.. but this city has an abundance of generous and loving people that can help us keep this beautiful thing going.. reach out to them.. any ideas are welcome!!
Let us know if you are able to do PICKUPS. Just let us know your phone number and what areas of the city you can pick up in and we will let you know when we have a donation in that area!!
Prepare BAKING for our Fiesta’s! Please prepackage so we can add them to lunches.
JOIN US for a community kitchen cook to prepare meals or sandwiches for our fiestas!
If you are willing to make PHONE CALLS let us know!! We always need help connecting with various companies, so let us know if you can help with that!!
Plan your own OUTINGS. Bring sandwiches, water, snacks or whatever you can!! Grab some friends or family and go out on your own. Sometimes, the smaller trips are even more meaningful because of the connections you will make. PM us if you would like some help with areas or if you want to bring out more donations that we may have.
ways you can donate:
You can donate to us directly by Interac E-transfer to yychelpinghomeless@outlook.com Dont forget to send us a message with the password to accept it.